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 Thursday, August 31, 2000

Courtney Myers | 8/31/2000 03:03:09 PM | link
  Phew... finally some time to breathe! Life has been so hectic lately; I've barely had time to check my email, let alone surf the Net or type stuff up here. My apologies to the webmistress of "draconic" for taking so long to post a response to her latest commmentary regarding our theology discussions. In fact, If you wouldn't mind, would you post the reference to your last post about this stuff, so I could waste no time in writing a response? My free time is very limited these days, but I do want to continue chatting with you. Sorry if that's an annoying/inconvienient request. Working two jobs is just tough on me though. Thanks in advance :)

Thanks for posting, Thad! Gee, I thought you'd dropped off the face of the planet. :D Glad to hear things are going well. My 21st birthday went off pretty well. I thank God I'm still around, and that he's put me where I'm at currently. It's all coming together these days, in a lot of ways, if you get my drift. ;) He's blessed me. Thom and I were talking about marriage too, and how it's kind of like going to Disneyland or something - you can see the destination, but you have to figure out how you're going to get there. You have to rely on God. I'll pray for ya. :)

Gotta run now; hopefully I'll be able to respond to the latest "article" in the theology debate soon. God bless!

 Wednesday, August 30, 2000

thad smith | 8/30/2000 11:51:10 PM | link
  wow. it has been a very long time since I've written in here, and for that I apologize, and yet it is truly the first time I have been able to get on, not have a direct need for being on, so I thought I would drop a line to say hello, and also to tell of how things have been going down my way. I know what you feel, court, about the summer and "pete's sake" :) summer, fun, naaaaa. ya, I have been working about 70 hours a week. so I have kept myself busy. so how many people are reading this?? oh well, they can see into my life if they want :) I don't have tooooo much to hide :). other then work, I was really into bible study till the whole Eric and Jen thing. and nothing really got started till last week, so I am starting that again. and then there is all this time I was able to spend with Jeannine, and now I am kinda feeling a little bit lonely; maybe it's the right word to explain it. we did alot of talking about our future also, Court, and what will happen, and realizing that what I want and what Jeannine wants isn't nessaraily what God wants. Because if it were up to me I would already be married, :) J/k, but when I started to think with that mindset (of Marriage) I kinda got and am still getting hit with how little I know. like what is a husband? and what is a Godly Man? because is that what I want to be? what do I have to do to be the head of a home? and all those questions :) I mean it is great that they are all coming to light, because that is telling me that I am being conformed to his will. I just pray that the name of the Wife that He is preparing for me is the same that I am thinking. so that is how I am doing spiritually; Mentally, I am ok. Work just seems to get harder and harder with no break. you know I am working with the YMCA day camp. let me tell you it is the hardest Job I have really ever had. as for the Fun things I was able to do, well, I think I can list them all on one hand :) no, I am kidding, since I was with the day camp I got to go to many places, some I haven't ever been to, like the solduct hot springs, or the Seattle Center, or the beach. I went to Victoria I think three times, :) once with Jeannine, then with the Y and finally my Family when they were up for August. so that is pretty much it for me. I can say that you have done your studying over issues discussed, and for that I give you an hand; keep it up. the things about the end times was good. but in reading as fast as I did, did you put your beliefs? I would love to know what you think, not based on what everyone believes. I also agree with you about the attitude of the world sometimes. it can come across quite narrow-minded can't it? hey court, I can't be on too much longer, so I want you to come to my parents' College party we are having on monday. it will be starting at 1 pm and go till whenever. it is open to all college students of all ages so I want Thom to be there also. and don't give me this "maybe" crap, a yes will do. :) ok well this has been long enough so I will sign off and say good night. and GOD bless
Till the whole world hears
love, your brother in Christ